Where are your keys? – Koine Greek Edition

I have talked several times about Where are your Keys? and encouraged you to check it out. This week I started recording and uploading a series of videos to demonstrate or showcase how WAYK can work for Koine Greek. In this post I link to the first two videos, and I’ll post up links in the following weeks to subsequent videos.

1. Introductory video

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ETMt_qjfz0]


2. Lesson 1 video

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk-hdIEqXuw]


2 responses

  1. Nice demonstration, Seumas. When I did something similar with my class last year, I debated about using three genders. I decided to start with only masculine and used καρός, λίθος, ὁ μέγας κάλαμος (reed,pen), ὁ μικρός κάλαμος. Later I introduced other genders. Just last week I did WAYK and mixed up the genders. Jury is out which way is better, but I’m leaning toward thinking introducing one gender at a time was better.

    • Hi Paul

      Yes, I suppose the best thing to do would simply be experiment with the two approaches, it might vary based on participants at the time as well.

      One thing I have noticed is that, while working with another language I tried twice to introduce a certain TQ: Set-up to illustrate a structure. Each time the student couldn’t grasp the distinction I was trying to bring out. So I would simply stop, and move on to something else. Even something as ‘basic’ as noun class, we might realise ‘it’s too much at once’ and back off, simplify, find another way to tackle it.

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